Company Policies

Whistle-blowing Policies

Company management is guided by the principles of integrity, honesty, transparency, and accountability. To encourage every stakeholder in the Company to do the right thing and be accountable for his own actions, the Company adopts this Whistleblowing Policy. Directors, officers, employees, suppliers, and business partners are encouraged to come forward and raise serious concerns about a perceived wrongdoing, malpractice, or risk involving the Company.

(1) Policy and Coverage

This Policy articulates longstanding practice in the Company, which provides an avenue for directors, officers, suppliers, business partners, and other stakeholders to raise such concerns. This provides an assurance that a person who raises a concern (Whistleblower) will be protected from reprisals, harassment, disciplinary action, or victimization by reason of whistleblowing.

(2) Concerns Covered

Concerns that are covered by this Policy include the following:

Abuse of authority

  • Unethical or illegal conduct
  • Misuse or misappropriation of Company’s assets
  • Violation of the Manual of Corporate Governance
  • Conflict of interest situations
  • Violation of the Company’s policy against insider trading
  • Violation of the Securities Regulation Code
  • Violation of Company policy against corrupt practices
  • Any conduct that poses a serious risk to public safety, health, or the environment
  • Any other conduct analogous to the foregoing.

(3) Protection from Retaliation

The Whistleblower will be protected from reprisals, harassment, disciplinary action, or victimization as a result of any report, disclosure, or raising of a concern (Report) where it is made in good faith, with reasonable belief that the Report is true and is not made maliciously or for personal gain.

Any harassment, retaliatory action, or reprisal resulting from whistleblowing shall be dealt with severely, i.e., with disciplinary or legal action, pursuant to relevant policies and procedures of the Company, and applicable laws.

4) Confidentiality

All Reports and, to the extent practicable, the identity of the Whistleblower, shall be confidential.

(5) Reporting Channels

The Whistleblower may send or communicate a Report through the following channels:

  • Mail: 35th Floor Rufino Pacific Tower, Ayala Avenue, Makati City
  • Telephone: (+632) 750 2000
  • Fax: (+632) 751 0773

(6) Investigation

If a member of the board, a senior officer, or a manager is the subject of a Report, the Report shall be endorsed to the Senior Vice President of Administration who shall form a committee composed of himself, one (1) Independent Director and one (1) member from the Audit Related Party Transactions Committee. The committee shall determine if an investigation is warranted. If determined to be warranted, the Committee shall conduct a fact-finding investigation. Findings of the Committee shall be submitted to the board of directors for appropriate action.

If an employee is the subject of a Report, the Report shall be endorsed to the Senior Vice President of Administration who shall form a committee composed of two (2) Managers, with himself as chairperson of the committee. The committee shall determine if an investigation is warranted. If determined to be warranted, the Committee shall conduct a fact-finding investigation. Finding of the Committee shall be submitted to the relevant office concerned for appropriate action.

A Whistleblower or the person subject of a Report may not be a member of the investigation committee. In the event implementation of the foregoing results in this circumstance, in lieu of the Whistleblower or the person subject of a Report, a member of the board of directors shall form part of the committee.

(7) False Report

The Company will not tolerate false reports. Should it be determined by the Committee that a Whistleblower knowingly submitted a Report containing false statements or fabricated evidence, the Whistleblower shall be subject to disciplinary or legal action pursuant to the policies and procedures of the Company, and any applicable laws.

Conflict of Interest Policy

IRC expects its employees to refrain from any activity which will in anyway interfere with or run in conflict with their work or jeopardize the Company’s interest. Everyone is expected to conduct himself properly so that his good faith and integrity shall not be open to question. The following are areas where conflict of interest may occur:

(1) Confidentiality

No employee shall, without authority, give or release to anyone any data or information of confidential nature concerning the Company, such as those relating to decisions, plans or competitive bids, or to use such information to his/her personal advantage and not to the best interest of the Company.

(2) Other employment / Outside interests

Employment with the Company is regarded as a full-time occupation during working hours. No employee may engage in other gainful employment with another employer or engage in any other interest which will adversely affect the employee’s performance during working hours. It is considered to be in conflict with the Company’s interest for an employee to serve:

  • as an officer or director of any other company without the consent of the Board of Directors or Executive Committee of IRC; or
  • in any management capacity for, or as a consultant to any individual, firm or other company doing or seeking to do business with the Company.

(3) Own/family’s interest in another company

It is considered in conflict with Company’s interest, for an employee or any member of his/her immediate family to have an interest in another company which has, or is seeking to have business dealings with the Company, esp. when there is an opportunity for preferential treatment to be given or received. Exception: where such an interest comprises securities in widely held quoted corporation or in private companies where the interest is not material. Where such a conflict exists, the employee is strictly prohibited from getting involved or participating in the transaction.

(4) Gifts/perquisites

An employee should not accept commissions, loans or advances (other than from financial institutions), materials, services repairs at no cost of at unreasonably low prices, excessive or extravagant entertainment, gifts in cash or in kind and gift certificates from any firm(s) or individual(s) doing or seeking to do business with the Company, in exchange for any favor, promise or reward. During occasions, employees may receive gifts and favors, but in no case should the value thereof exceed nominal proportions.

(5) Standing for elections

In order that the Company can avoid involvement or identification with any political party, an employee who wishes to run for elections must resign from the Company upon the employee’s submission of his application for the position desired.

Insider Trading Policy

Insider trading and abusive dealing are prohibited. The Company abides with the provisions of law concerning the same. To promote compliance with the law and existing rules, this Policy is applied by the Company.

(1) Scope and Coverage

This Policy shall apply to all transactions in the Company’s securities, and shall cover everyone in the Company who receives, has access to or is/was/came in possession of material, non-public information about the Company, including members of the board of directors, officers, employees, advisors, agents, consultants, contractors and other stakeholders of the Company.

(2) Insider Trading

Insider trading refers to buying or selling of a security, in breach of a fiduciary duty or other relationship of trust and confidence, while in possession of material non-public information about a security; disclosing or tipping material non-public information to others or recommending the purchase or sale of securities on the basis of such information; or assisting someone who is engaged in any of the above activities.

Insider trading of the Company’s securities while in possession of material non-public information is prohibited. No employee, officer, or director of the Company who is aware of any material, non-public information concerning the Company shall engage in any transaction concerning its securities, including any offer to purchase or sell, during the Blackout Period.

(3) Duties of Covered Persons

Covered persons are strictly prohibited from trading the Company’s securities during the following Blackout Periods: (a) Ten trading days before and two trading days after the disclosure of the defined periodic reportorial requirements required by the SEC, PSE, and (b) Two trading days after the disclosure of any material information.

Covered persons shall report the trading of Company shares to the Corporate Secretary not later than one trading day after the occurrence of the event.

(4) Disciplinary Action

Violation of this Policy shall be strictly dealt with. Disciplinary action may be initiated, without prejudice to any civil or criminal proceedings which the Company or regulators may file for violation of existing laws.

Related Party Transaction Policy

Related Party Transactions

Policies and Procedures

(1) Parent Company (2) Joint Ventures (3) Subsidiaries (4) Entities Under Common Control

Related party relationship exists when one party has the ability to control, directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, or exercises significant influence over the other party in making financial and operating decisions. Such relationship also exists between and/or among entities which are under common control with MHC, or between, and/or among its key management personnel, directors, or its shareholders. In considering each possible related party relationship, attention is directed to the substance of the relationship and not merely the legal form.

Transactions entered into by the Company with related parties are at arm’s length and have terms similar to the transactions entered into with third parties.

(5) Substantial Stockholders (6) Officers including spouse / children / siblings / parents (7) Directors including spouse / children / siblings / parents (8) Interlocking director relationship of Board of Directors

Beneficial ownership transactions disclosed with SEC and PSE. Other transactions are at arm’s length.

This Policy covers related party transactions between the Company and a Related Party as defined below or between a subsidiary or affiliate of the Company and a Related Party as defined below if the subsidiary or affiliate has not adopted its own policy on related party transactions.

(1) Objectives

This Policy is intended to ensure that every Related Party Transaction is conducted in a manner that will protect the Company from conflict of interest which may arise between the Company and its Related Parties; and ensure proper review, approval, ratification and disclosure of transactions between the Company and any of its Related Parties as required in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

(2) Terms

Affiliate is a corporation that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, is controlled by, or is under the common control of, another corporation, which thereby becomes its parent corporation.

Arm’s length refers to transactions in an open an unrestricted market between willing parties who are knowledgeable, informed, and who act independently of and without regard to any relationship with each other.

Related Party Transaction is a transfer of resources, services or obligations between related parties, regardless of whether a price is charged.

Related Party is a person or entity that is related to the Company or any of its subsidiary or affiliate, which may refer to any of the following:

  • parties that are members of the Company;
  • all directors, officers, managers and key management personnel having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Company or its subsidiary or its parent, directly or indirectly including companies they have control or joint control or significant influence;
  • relatives (within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity) of an individual referred to in (b) above, who may be expected to influence, or be influenced by that individual in their dealings with the Company, its subsidiary, or affiliate.

(3) Policy

Transactions between and among related parties create financial, commercial, and economic benefits to the Company. To this extent, therefore, the Company generally allows related
party transactions. The general attitude of allowing related party transactions is subject to the condition that these are done on an arm’s length basis and in compliance with the requirements set forth in this Policy. Thus, where the transaction is arrived at after competitive bidding, they are generally allowed.

All Related Party Transactions go through the normal approval processes of the Company. The Related Party Transactions Committee reviews and ratifies these RPT and endorses to the Board for approval.

In making its review, the RPT Committee will consider the following factors to the extent relevant to the RPT: (a) identity of the parties involved in the transaction, (b) terms of the transaction are fair and on an arm’s length basis to the Company, (c) the impact on director’s or officer’s independence, (d) whether the RPT would present improper conflict of interest for any director or officer of the Company.

The Board of Directors approves and confirms all Related Party Transactions endorsed by the RPT Committee.

Any member of the Board or RPT Committee who has an interest in the transaction must abstain from participation in the review and approval of any RPT.

Material Related Party Transactions Policy

This Policy covers material related party transactions. Material related party transactions are any related party transactions, either individually or over a twelve-month period, amounting to ten percent (10%) or higher of a company’s current total assets based on its latest audited financial statement.

(1) Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall have the overall responsibility in ensuring that Material RPTs are handled in a sound and prudent manner, with integrity, and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations to protect the interest of the Company’s shareholders and stakeholders. Towards this end, the Board of Directors shall have the duties to (a) institutionalize an overarching policy on management of Material RPTs to ensure effective compliance with existing laws, rules and regulations at all times and that Material RPTs are conducted on an arm’s length basis, and that no shareholder or stakeholder is unduly disadvantaged; (b) approve all Material RPTs, as endorsed by the Company’s Related Party Transactions Committee; (c) establish an effective audit, risk and compliance system to determine, identify ,and monitor related parties and Material RPTs.

(2) Duties and Responsibilities of Senior Management

Senior management shall implement appropriate controls to effectively manage and monitor Material RPTs on a per transaction and aggregate basis. Exposures to related parties should also be monitored on an ongoing basis to ensure compliance with the Company’s policies and with the pertinent rules of the SEC.

(3) Internal Audit

The internal audit function, through the Audit Committee, shall conduct a periodic review of the effectiveness of the Company’s system and internal controls governing Material RPTs to assess consistency with this Material RPT Policy and related policies and procedures. The resulting audit reports, including exceptions or breaches, shall be communicated directly to the Audit Committee.

(4) Whistle Blowing Mechanism

Consistent with the Company’s Whistle Blowing Policy, the Company shall encourage all its stakeholders to immediately communicate/report, confidentially and without the risk of reprisal, legitimate concerns about illegal, unethical or questionable Material RPTs, directly to the Audit Committee Chairman so that these will be investigated and addressed by an objective independent internal or external body.

(5) Investigation

All investigations about allegations of illegal, unethical, abusive or questionable Material RPTs, whether via whistleblowing channels or as uncovered during audits and/or supervisory examinations, shall be handled by the Company’s Audit Committee or by an independent external firm as may be decided by the Board of Directors. Interested or involved persons shall inhibit from being involved in such investigations.

(6) Administrative Sanctions

The following are considered breaches/violations of this Material RPT Policy:

  • directors and officers who deliberately fail to declare or conceal any and all material facts as well as their direct or indirect interest in the Company’s Material RPTs;
  • heads and managers who deliberately fail/refuse to report/disclose or have been remiss in their duties in handling their units’ Material RPTs, if any;
  • Abusive Material RPTs or those that were not entered at arms’ length terms and unduly favoring a related party.

After administrative hearings/due investigation is made, the imposition of the appropriate administrative sanction/s shall be decided by the board of directors for directors and officers or the president, for all other persons.

(7) Identification and Initial Review of Material RPTs

The Company’s managers, officers, and directors shall identify Material RPTs either individually, or in aggregate over a 12-month period with the same party, amounting to 10% or higher of the Company’s Total Assets based on its latest audited financial statements.

Each Material RPT shall be subject to prior review by the Audit and Related Party Transaction Committee to determine whether the same is on arm’s length terms and it is in the best interest of the Company, considering the relevant factors and circumstances.

To ensure that Material RPTs are entered into at terms that promote the best interest of the Company, its shareholder and other stakeholders, effective price discovery mechanism may be resorted to, such as but not limited to opening the transaction to a bidding process or publication of a property available for sale. The Company shall appoint an external valuation expert or expert independent party, i.e., auditing/accounting firms and third-party consultants and appraisers, to evaluate the fairness of the terms of the material related party transaction prior to the execution of such transaction.

(8) Review and Approval of Material RPTs

In reviewing Material RPTs, the following procedures shall be observed.

Evaluation and Endorsement. The Related Party Transactions Committee shall evaluate and endorse for the approval of the Board of Directors all Material RPTs.

Final Approval. Before any Material RPT may be executed, the Board of Directors shall appoint an external independent party to evaluate the fairness of its terms prior to the execution of such transaction. This external independent party may either be an auditing/accounting firm or third-party consultant or appraiser.

All individual Material RPTs shall be approved by at least two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors, with at least majority of the independent directors voting to approve the Material RPT, subject to confirmation of the stockholders during the annual stockholders meeting together with all other Material RPTs that crossed the materiality thresholds. Alternatively, the Material RPT may be ratified by the vote of the stockholders representing at least two-thirds of the Company’s outstanding capital stock in a Special Stockholders’ Meeting called for the purpose. The rule similarly applies for aggregate RPT transactions within a 12-month period that breaches the materiality threshold of 10% of the Company’s Total Assets.

Independence and Inhibition of Directors and Officers Involved in Material RPTs. To prevent potential or actual conflict of interest situations which may arise out of or in connection with Material RPTs, directors and officers with personal interest in the transaction shall abstain from the discussion, approval and management of such transaction. In the event of refusal to abstain, their attendance shall not be counted for purposes of assessing the quorum and their votes shall not be counted for purposes of determining if the required approval is secured.

Self-Declaration and Disclosure. Directors, substantial shareholders and officers shall disclose to the board of directors any and all material facts related to the Material RPTs as well as their direct and indirect financial interest in any transaction or matter that may affect or is affecting the Company. Disclosure shall be made at the board of directors meeting where the Material RPT will be presented for approval and before the completion or execution of the Material RPT.

(9) Disclosure and Regulatory Reporting

The Company shall submit the following to the Securities and Exchange Commission a Summary of Material RPTs entered into during the reporting year shall be disclosed in the Company’s Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report (I-ACGR), and an Advisement Report in accordance with the SEC-prescribed format shall be filed within 3 calendar days after the execution date of the transaction.

Both disclosures shall include the following information:

  • complete name of the related party;
  • relationship of the parties
  • execution date of the Material RPT
  • financial or non-financial interest of the related parties
  • type and nature of transaction as well as a description of the assets involved
  • total assets
  • amount or contract price
  • percentage of the contract price to the Company’s Total Assets based on its latest Audited Financial Statement
  • carrying amount of collateral, if any
  • terms and conditions
  • rationale for entering into the transaction
  • approval obtained (directors present, names of directors who approved the Material RPT, and the corresponding voting percentage obtained)

(10) Policy Review and Updating

This Policy shall be reviewed by Compliance Officer as soon as necessary to ensure its effectiveness and to incorporate therein any relevant changes in SEC’s pertinent requirements as well as changes in the Company’s internal policies and procedures. Any changes and updates to this policy shall be subject to the review and endorsement of the Related Party Transactions Committee for approval by the board of directors

This Policy was approved by the Board of Directors of Philippine Infradev Holdings Inc. on 02 July 2020 and is signed by the Chairman of the Board and the Compliance Officer of the company in compliance with SEC Memo Circular No. 10, Series of 2019.

Policy and Data Relating to Health, Safety and Welfare of Employees, including Company Sponsored Trainings

(1) Company’s policy for its employee’s safety, health & welfare is stated in the company’s policy manual under item 9.13 – Employee Safety & Health and item 10.4 Medical Benefits, to wit:

9.13 Employee Safety & Health
The Company strives to provide safe working conditions for all employees. The physical premises where company operates shall be secured by appropriate and reasonable means.

9.13.1 The Company strictly prohibits possession of weapons of any type by employees during work hours or any Company- sponsored event or on Company properties and premises. Weapons are further defined to include firearms, knives, explosives or any other deadly weapon or object

9.13.2 All job related injuries should be reported immediately to the supervisor. Fire is an ever-present hazard, especially where electrical equipment is concerned. Every employee should know where the extinguishers are located and how to operate them effectively. All employees are required to unplug their respective office electrical equipments before going home at night and/or weekends or long holidays.

9.13.3 Threats, threatening behavior, acts of violence or any related conduct which disrupts the work environment will not be tolerated. Any employee who makes threats, exhibits threatening behavior or engages in violent acts on Company premises will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

10.4 Medical Benefit
The company provides free healthcare benefits to all permanent employees. It includes both in-patient (hospital confinement), out- patient (consultations) and dental services.

(2) Company training and development programmes for its employees:

No formal training program for employees. However, if there are training seminars offered by outside parties needed by the employees, the Company sends them.


